

Categorization tool to curate knowledge.

Feature Request

A tag for feature requests and suggestions.

0 Posts
Move Bug

A tag for an unexpected problem with Move.

3 Posts
Move Prover

Move Prover is an automatic formal verification system for Move.

0 Posts
Move Script

Scripts are executable entrypoints similar to a main function in a conventional language. A script typically calls functions of a published module that perform updates to global storage.

5 Posts
Move Module

Modules are libraries that define struct types along with functions that operate on these types.

8 Posts
Smart Contract

A smart contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol that is intended to automatically execute, control or document legally-relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.

4 Posts

Move is an executable bytecode language used to implement custom transactions and smart contracts.

20 Posts
Move CLI

The Move command-line interface is a tool that provides an easy way to interact with Move, to experiment with writing and running Move code.

12 Posts
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