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- Sui Sponsored Transactions - Basic Integrations Examples
Traditionally, users engaging with decentralized aplications (dApps) face a common hurdle: gas fees. These Sui gas fees in our case, required to execute transactions on the blockchain, often deter new users from fully embracing the potential of Web3. However, Sui innovative sponsored transaction feature eliminates this obstacle, empowering builders to cover the gas fees for their app transactions. This revolutionary functionality paves the way for a seamless user experience, encouraging broader adoption of decentralized applications. TheMoveDev GitHub; SuiQL GitHub Repository; If you have any questions, you can ask them here. Sponsored Transaction Workflow Sui's sponsored transaction workflow is a well-orchestrated process that ensures smooth and gas fee-free transactions for end-users. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved. User Initiates an Action The process kicks off when a user initializes a GasLessTransactionData transaction, indicating their intent to perform a specific action within a dApp. dApp Creates a Sui Transaction Block At the heart of the sponsored transaction workflow lies the dApp's ability to create a Transaction Block. This block encapsulates all the necessary data, including the user's intent, the action to be performed, and any associated parameters. Transmission of GasLessTransactionData The GasLessTransactionData is sent to the sponsor, a key participant in the sponsored transaction framework, with a signature request. This data serves as the foundation for the upcoming transaction. Validation and Transaction Data Construction The sponsor validates the received transaction and constructs TransactionData, incorporating the necessary gas fees. This step ensures that the transaction is properly funded for execution on the Sui blockchain. Transaction Signing The sponsor signs the TransactionData, indicating their approval and commitment to the transaction. The private key required for this signature is securely stored in AWS Secrets Manager, ensuring the utmost security. Verification and Dual Signing by the User The signed TransactionData, along with the sponsor's signature, is sent back to the user. The user verifies the transaction details and signs the TransactionData once more, creating a dual-signed transaction ready for execution. Transaction Execution on Sui The dual-signed transaction is submitted to the Sui network via a Sui node (full node) or the sponsor. Sui processes the transaction, executing the specified action within the dApp, all without requiring the user to pay any gas fees. User Notification Finally, the user is notified by a dApp that the transaction is sponsored and sent. Implementing Sui Sponsored Transactions: A Developer's Perspective To implement sponsored transactions, developers interact with the Sui API or Sponsored Transaction API, making use of the sui-sign-sponsored-transaction Lambda function. Here's a glimpse of the client-side code that facilitates this process: const response = await fetch('http://localhost:5000/blockchain/sui-sign-sponsored-transaction', { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ sender: wallet.address, module: libName, action, arguments: data, }), }); const sponsorSignedTransaction = await response.json(); const transactionBlock = TransactionBlock.from(sponsorSignedTransaction?.transactionBlockBytes); const senderSignedTransaction = await wallet.signTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock, }); const executeResponse = await provider.executeTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: sponsorSignedTransaction?.transactionBlockBytes, signature: [sponsorSignedTransaction?.signatureBytes, senderSignedTransaction.signature], options: { showEffects: true }, requestType: 'WaitForLocalExecution', }); This client-side code acts as a bridge between the user, the sponsor, and the Sui blockchain, enabling the seamless execution of gas fee-free transactions. Conclusion Sui's sponsored transaction feature represents a paradigm shift in the world of decentralized applications, removing a significant barrier to entry for users. Through our exploration of this innovative functionality, we've gained valuable insights that have shaped our approach to building user-friendly dApps. Feel free to leave your questions here.
0 - Sui Move Events Listeners and Webhooks - Basic Integrations Examples
For businesses and developers, integrating with chains like Sui offers a unique opportunity to innovate and create transformative solutions. In this series, we delve into our journey of building on Sui, shedding light on the intricacies of integrations, focusing on event listeners and webhooks, which have been integral components of TheMoveDev and SuiQL, Sui indexing GraphQL Event API made by Peeranha. TheMoveDev GitHub; SuiQL GitHub Repository; If you have any questions, you can ask them here. The code is implemented in TypeScript and runs within the AWS Cloud environment using serverless technologies. Serverless is used for deployments. Serverless Offline is used to run the code locally. Sui Events Listeners and Webhooks: A Brief Overview Blockchain networks are inherently decentralized, making real-time data integration a challenging feat. This is where event listeners and webhooks come into play. Event Listeners are mechanisms that constantly monitor blockchain activity, identifying and capturing specific events of interest. Webhooks, on the other hand, are HTTP callbacks triggered by these events, allowing seamless communication between different applications. The Sui Integration Architecture Our integration journey with Sui involved a comprehensive architecture comprising several key components. Events Listener The Events Listener, a robust ECS Fargate task, plays a pivotal role in our integration setup. It continuously polls new events from the Sui nodes (Sui full node), ensuring that our system stays up-to-date with the latest blockchain activities. Sui Events Listener Queue Events identified by the Events Listener are added to the Sui Listener Queue, a FIFO SQS queue. This queue acts as an intermediary storage, enabling efficient event processing and management. Webhook Invoker Responsible for invoking webhooks, the Webhook Invoker is a Lambda function that ensures seamless communication between our system and external applications. It acts as a bridge, facilitating the transmission of event data to the designated endpoints. Event Bridge The Event Bridge, a pivotal component of our architecture, invokes the Webhook Invoker Lambda whenever new items are added to the Sui Listener Queue. This real-time triggering mechanism ensures prompt webhook invocations. Webhook The Webhook, implemented as an AWS Lambda function, processes individual events received from the Sui blockchain. This component plays a crucial role in interpreting the event data and executing specific actions based on the event type. Workflow: How It All Comes Together Understanding the workflow is essential to grasp the seamless operation of our integration architecture. Events Listener Operation The Events Listener operates in a continuous loop, making RPC API calls to suix_queryEvents to retrieve new events associated with a configured package ID. The Events Listener maintains a cursor value in DynamoDB, ensuring it reads events chronologically. Adding Events to Sui Listener Queue Whenever the Events Listener identifies new events, it adds them to the Sui Listener Queue for further processing. Event Bridge Trigger The AWS Event Bridge monitors the Sui Listener Queue and triggers the Webhook Invoker Lambda as soon as new items are added. This ensures real-time event processing. Webhook Invocation The Webhook Invoker, once triggered, invokes the Webhook Lambda function for each event present in the queue. Running Locally - Dev Playground Serverless offline plugin is used to run the solution locally. Listener runs in ECS task in the cloud. ECS is not available for serverless offline. For that reason, uncomment the sui-events-listener lambda function in serverless.yml. This function will read new events from the blockchain once per minute. Install dependencies: npm install Install DynamoDb: npm run dynamodb:install If you are getting an error Error getting DynamoDb local latest tar.gz location undefined: 403 on this step then it means that there is still a known issue in serverless-dynamodb-local. It is discussed here or you can leave your question on Sui Move Q&A. In node_modules/dynamodb-localhost/dynamodb/config.json URL to https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dynamodb-local/dynamodb_local_latest.tar.gz (add s to http); In node_modules/dynamodb-localhost/dynamodb/installer.j change http to https; To start services run: npm run dev Event Listener Deployment to AWS Install AWS CLI; Configure AWS CLI; aws configure Modify values in stages\test.yml and stages\prod.yml; Start deployment; npm run deploy:test or npm run deploy:prod To be continued... In this first part of our series on Sui integrations, we've explored the foundational concepts of event listeners and webhooks, unraveling the intricate architecture behind our integration with the Sui blockchain. Stay tuned for the upcoming parts, where we'll delve deeper into our journey, sharing insights, challenges, and innovative solutions that have shaped our experience. Feel free to leave your questions here.
301Як виправити блокування частого пропуску на Sui Wallet після оновлення?
У мене виникла проблема з моїм гаманцем Sui - тепер він вимагає від мене майже кожного разу вводити свій пропуск, оскільки він блокується через 1 хвилину. Це почалося після останнього оновлення. Що я можу зробити, щоб виправити це?
- Sui
00Чому я не отримую токени Sui після першого дня в testnet?
Я публікував свою адресу гаманця Sui на testnet-faucet та faucet.blockbolt кожні кілька годин. Я отримав 1 Суй у перший день, але нічого після цього. Що відбувається не так?
- Sui
01Чому ZKLogin генерує різні адреси гаманців?
Я увійшов у Tusky за допомогою Google, і він автоматично створив для мене адресу гаманця sui. Коли я знову використовував Google для входу в гаманець sui, адреси були зовсім іншими. Я спантеличений цим, і моє розуміння обмежене, оскільки я не технічний експерт, а просто плеєр web3. Це помилка, як це працює, і чи можу я відновити свій гаманець?
- Sui
- Architecture
01How to fix 'UnusedValueWithoutDrop' error in PTB function?
I'm trying to create a contract interaction function similar to a given transaction hash but face an error during execution. The error message is UnusedValueWithoutDrop { result_idx: 0, secondary_idx: 0 }. It appears in the dry run result of the PTB function. I suspect it might be due to an object not being properly handled by the end of the transaction. I attempted to use MoveCall, but I'm not sure if my approach is correct. Can someone advise me on correctly handling this issue?
- Move CLI
- Move
11Де знайти приклади DAPP за допомогою TypeScript SDK?
Я шукаю сховище GitHub з прикладами DApps, головним чином з використанням React або NextJS, які реалізують TypeScript SDK. Чи може хтось направити мене в правильному напрямку?
- Move
01How to resolve CommandArgumentError with tx failed issue?
I've been trying to execute a transaction using the CommandArgumentError { arg_idx: 1, kind: InvalidBCSBytes } error. Here's the snippet I used: const tx = new Transaction(); const [newCoin] = tx.splitCoins( tx.object(coinObjectId), [1000] ); tx.transferObjects([newCoin], tx.pure.string(wallet.address || "")); tx.setGasBudget(750000); const result = await wallet.signAndExecuteTransaction({ transaction: tx, }); I've tried using tx.pure.u64 but it didn't help. Any solutions?
- Move CLI
11How to properly pass BCS serialized struct parameters in Sui?
I've been trying to pass BCS serialized struct parameters to a move module in the Sui blockchain, but I'm hitting an InvalidUsageOfPureArg error. Can Sui handle BCS serialized struct parameters directly, or do I need to create a struct object first and pass it to the move module? How should I structure my code to achieve this?
- Move CLI
12How to monitor Sui transactions in a wallet app?
I'm adding Sui support to an existing wallet app and need to track blockchain transactions for wallet accounts to detect deposits and update balances. Is there a straightforward method to achieve this without implementing a complex indexer? Is there an event I can monitor using the Sui SDK?
- Sui
- Architecture
02Як працює передача токенів у SUI порівняно з ERC-20?
Я намагаюся зрозуміти, як працюють перекази токенів у блокчейні SUI. У ланцюгах EVM існує стандарт ERC-20 для переказів токенів, а на BSC є журнали переказів. Однак у SUI у мене виникають проблеми із захопленням усіх різних типів свопів, оскільки різні децентралізовані біржі випромінюють різні події. Як я можу ефективно об'єднати ці події в SUI?
- Sui
02How to call a function from another Move contract?
I've deployed a contract with an address 0x3df... and a public function 'coll'. Now, I'm trying to write another contract that calls this 'coll' function, but I'm getting an error saying 'use 0x3df...::coll; use is invalid. Unbound module'. I've seen suggestions about using a dependencies file but I'm not sure how to implement this properly. What steps should I take to resolve the error and successfully call the function?
- Move CLI
- Move
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- Sui
- Move CLI
- SDKs and Developer Tools
- Move
- Architecture
- Kubo
- NFT Ecosystem
- IPFS Node